Aileymill Primary School Project

 The Concept behind this School Project explained by Mary Greig

Design  Cover was by Rebecca Greig.

Printed by Carmen Design

Hear the stories performed by the Aileymill P6 children

on this link : Invervclyde Radio .

The Adventures of Aileymill – Story created by Aileymill Primary school Primary 6 Class,Greenock
Some P6 pupils from Aileymill Primary. Recording 2014
Some P6 pupils from Aileymill Primary. Recording 2014
22nd june newspaper Aileymill School P6 embarked on a writing stories
22nd june newspaper Aileymill School P6 embarked on a writing stories
David from Inverclyde Radio with Mrs Lind from Aileymill Primary 2014
David from Inverclyde Radio with Head Teacher Mrs Lind from Aileymill Primary 2014